"Everyone on-site returns home fit and well at the end of the day"

Hillgrove’s vision is to be a leader in Workplace Health and Safety and create a safe and enjoyable working environment for all our employees.

Hillgrove Resources is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers, contractors and visitors to our operations. We accept individual work health & safety responsibility and promote a risk aware culture, provide effective leadership, and implement, maintain and continual improve our Integrated Risk Management System.

Commitment to work health & safety means we:

    • Consider risks in every decision and eliminate or minimise risks as far as reasonably practicable.
    • Encourage all employees and contractors to contribute to the management and improvement of work health and safety.
    • Provide information, training, and supervision to every worker.
    • Ensure that contractors working for us manage the health and safety of their workers in alignment with this policy through active education and cooperation.
    • Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
    • Ensure that all officers, management, and workers understand their responsibilities consistent with the Due Diligence Framework.
    • Ensure that all workers and visitors abide by the Kanmantoo Mine Golden Rules.
    • Provide a safe working environment, free from bullying and harassment.
    • Continually review and improve our work health and safety policy and procedures.
